The debt bomb is ticking, and only we can diffuse it. America is in a crisis. Our accumulating debt-in the trillions-shows no end in sight, and our governmental leaders have done little to mitigate this threat. Whether you are living on Wall Street or in a one-square-mile town, national economics can and does apply to our day-to-day lives. Former CPA and active CEO of Rubin Development Company, Les Rubin aptly outlines the basics of our economics, the history, and the benefits and pitfalls of proposed solutions. A concise but comprehensive handbook, Why You Should Give a Damn About Economics will give you the right tools to clip the right wire on the debt bomb before it's too late.

Endorsements for Why You Should Give a Damn About Economics
“Too often, economic problems are explained in complicated technical language. The basics, though, are pretty simple. This book addresses one of the most important economic problems we face—in simple, straightforward language.”
—Jim Miller
Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan
“Les Rubin has authored this easy-to-read and plain English book on basic economic principles. He rightly notes his serious concern about our nation’s mounting debt burdens and offers some of his ideas on what we need to do to keep our Ship of State from sinking.”
—David M. Walker
Former US Comptroller General
“Why You Should Give a Damn about Economics provides easy-to-understand examples of how tax-and-spend policies have led us to economic instability. This book will equip our voting public with the tools needed to start prospering again!”
—Romina Boccia
Director of Budget and Entitlements Policy at the Cato Institute and Author of The Debt Dispatch on Substack
“Businesses are drowning in mounds of paperwork, and America is being pulled down the whirlpool of debt. Our citizens and our elected officials have a responsibility to keep America strong—and that means learning how to avoid the looming fiscal cliff. Les’s book guides us to how we can get back to prosperous times where faster growth and a balanced budget are possible.”
—Dr. Arthur B. Laffer
Former US Senator, Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, and Chairman of the President’s Advisory Panel for Federal Tax Reform under George W. Bush
“Economics affects our lives and our country’s future. Yet few people understand economics at an intuitive level, often having been turned off to the ‘dismal science’ in schools that obscure powerful ideas for everyday living behind intimidating and complex math. Les Rubin explains economic and fiscal concepts in simple and engaging terms—and with the help of humorous illustrations. This book is a clear and accessible guide for anyone who wants to learn more about economics and why the US fiscal situation is even more dire than it seems.”
—Charles Wheelan
Professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and Author of Naked Economics
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